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Membership Level change

You have selected the Boere Legioen R60 Maandlikse Lidmaatskap membership level.

The price for membership is R 60.00 per Month.

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Ek, onderneem hiermee om myself te alle tye as wetsgehoorsame burger van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika te gedra en binne die Wet op te tree. Ek sal my nie skuldig maak aan onwettighede nie en ek vrywaar hiermee die bevelstruktuur van Die Boerelegioen, gesamentlik en afsonderlik, teen enige skade wat ek en of my familie mag lei as gevolg van ons betrokkenheid by Die Boerelegioen. Ek vrywaar ook die bevelstruktuur van Die Boerelegioen teen enige eis, om skadevergoeding en of van watter aard ook al, wat mag ontstaan as gevolg van enige onwettige optrede deur myself.

Ek gee die Boerelegioen ook toestemming om die inligting wat ek op die webtuiste beskikbaar gestel het te deel met die administrasie afdeling van die boerelegioen vir rekord doel eindes

I hereby agree to be a law-abiding citizen of the Republic of South Africa at all times and never act unlawfully. I will not make myself guilty of any unlawful acts and I hereby agree to respect the command structure of the Boerelegioen and indemnify Boerelegioen, collectively or separately, against any damage that I or my family may cause or suffer, as a result of our involvement in the Boerelegioen. I also indemnify the Leadership and Command Structure of Boerelegioen of any claim to damages of whatever nature, which may arise because of any unlawful action by myself.

I also give the Boerelegioen permission to share the information I supplied on the website with the Boerelegioen administration department for record keeping purposes.

NOTE: if changing a subscription it may take a minute or two to reflect. Please also login to your PayFast account to ensure the old subscription is cancelled.

Membership Level change

You have selected the Boere Legioen R60 Maandlikse Lidmaatskap membership level.

The price for membership is R 60.00 per Month.

Account Information Already have an account? Log in here


Billing Address


Ek, onderneem hiermee om myself te alle tye as wetsgehoorsame burger van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika te gedra en binne die Wet op te tree. Ek sal my nie skuldig maak aan onwettighede nie en ek vrywaar hiermee die bevelstruktuur van Die Boerelegioen, gesamentlik en afsonderlik, teen enige skade wat ek en of my familie mag lei as gevolg van ons betrokkenheid by Die Boerelegioen. Ek vrywaar ook die bevelstruktuur van Die Boerelegioen teen enige eis, om skadevergoeding en of van watter aard ook al, wat mag ontstaan as gevolg van enige onwettige optrede deur myself.

Ek gee die Boerelegioen ook toestemming om die inligting wat ek op die webtuiste beskikbaar gestel het te deel met die administrasie afdeling van die boerelegioen vir rekord doel eindes

I hereby agree to be a law-abiding citizen of the Republic of South Africa at all times and never act unlawfully. I will not make myself guilty of any unlawful acts and I hereby agree to respect the command structure of the Boerelegioen and indemnify Boerelegioen, collectively or separately, against any damage that I or my family may cause or suffer, as a result of our involvement in the Boerelegioen. I also indemnify the Leadership and Command Structure of Boerelegioen of any claim to damages of whatever nature, which may arise because of any unlawful action by myself.

I also give the Boerelegioen permission to share the information I supplied on the website with the Boerelegioen administration department for record keeping purposes.

NOTE: if changing a subscription it may take a minute or two to reflect. Please also login to your PayFast account to ensure the old subscription is cancelled.